Monday, July 25, 2011


We spent last weekend in the Rockies. It was so lush and alive, in contrast to the dry, drought-stricken desert around Santa Fe. It was a welcome diversion. While we were there we stumbled upon a Barbershop Music Festival in Silverton, CO. Men in groups of 4 to 100 sang in beautiful harmonies. Before beginning a set, the director would play an opening note and all the men would harmonize with it. They sang above it and below it with boldness and sweetness, sadness and glee. One voice might dart away briefly, only to be welcomed back into harmony with simplicity and ease. No one competed to be heard, no voices took charge in this supportive family of song.

I began to wonder... what if we could all resonate with an "opening note" and bring ourselves into harmony with it. Together our distinct voices could create one beautifully balanced song. Of course, at times, we might choose to change key but, if we know that opening note, we can always return and become regrounded in a spirit of connection and community.

When you wake up tomorrow, lie quiet and still. Now tune in to the opening note. It may be subtle, but sharpen your senses and you will know it’s there. Be patient. You may wonder…am I just imagining it? That's fine...imagination is an excellent assistant. Next you will need to create harmony with the note. Maybe you’ll actually sing with it, or sense vibrations in your head, or heart or throughout your body. How does this new song feel? Now it’s time to get up, get dressed and venture into the world. Surprisingly, if you listen, you can hear the very same harmony all around you. Will you add your voice? I hope so. Have fun!

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