Friday, December 16, 2011

December's Gift

Last week, the Full Moon was eclipsed in darkness. Next week we pass through the Winter Solstice then three days later we encounter the New Moon. Many of us are very eager at this time of year for the light to return and the days to get longer. But instead we are being offered these extraordinary opportunities to be in darkness. I encourage you to surrender to it. To the night, the black sky, and to the dark, mysterious parts of your own nature. Rest there, trust the unknown and feel the excitement and adventure of what you have yet to discover. The possibilities are endless. Soon the light will find you again and shine on the newness you choose to bring forth. It is an extraordinary season that can be filled with hope and anticipation if we just allow it. I wish you the peace and renewal it offers.

I would also like to express my gratitude to all of you who have shared my practice with me this year, whether in private sessions, workshops or circles, reading my blog or newsletter or just by asking me how it is all going. With great joy, I report that my practice continues to evolve and grow and I plan to highlight the changes with a makeover of my website. It will be up and running in January, so stay tuned.