Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Surrender and Power

When we accept the present moment exactly as it is, we surrender. If we are not attached to the history of how we arrived at this moment or to any perceived outcomes, we become free. And all actions that we choose from this point forward originate within our acceptance of what is. Therein lies true power.

I'm taking an intensive yoga training class. This includes anatomy lessons with a vocabulary that is a foreign language to me. The first day I kept thinking "I will never retain any of this; everyone else already knows this!!!" I judged the past and predicted the future, and made myself a victim of both. No power there. Then I let go; I listened to the enthusiasm of my instructor and marveled at the intricacies of the human body. I surrendered. No...I did not give up but rather opened myself to what was offered to me in the moment, a deeper respect for and relationship with the body and its capacity for fluidity and grace.

Is there room for surrender in your day?